It’s Fashion Revolution Week

Apr 26, 2019 | News

It’s Fashion Revolution week! And we would like to share with you how your clothes are made: meet Sinem, who looks after the production of all our garments in Turkey. She lives in Istanbul and is a single mother with two daughters. She also does a fantastic job bringing all our designs to life! #whomakesyourclothes #imadeyourclothes

“We are Fashion Revolution. We are people from all around the world who make the fashion industry work. We are the people who wear clothes. And we are the people who make them.

We are designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers, and fashion lovers. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are you.

We believe in a fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity, and profit in equal measure.

We want to unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way our clothes are sourced, produced, and consumed so that our clothing is made in a safe, clean, and fair way.

We believe that collaborating across the whole value chain — from farmer to consumer — is the only way to transform the industry.

Our mission is to bring everyone together to make that happen.”

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